Airplane Conversations and the Geography of Heart

What is it about air travel that strips you of something of yourself?  That allows you to open up with a passing stranger that otherwise wouldn’t happen?  What is it? On a recent flight, I sat next to another woman … Continue reading

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Meteor Mornings and Motorcycle Rides

My eyes locked on the hot white streak in the sky in front of me.  Saturday morning. Up before the birds, I was walking to the south.  I couldn’t believe it: the streak grew into a fireball rimmed with brilliant … Continue reading

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“What’s a hook-up, anyway?”

      Words and meanings are slippery. Crossing cultures and time, words have a way of morphing.     Generational Syntactical Blunders One evening after dinner, a young man visited our household for dessert and studying with my oldest … Continue reading

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Morning Writing

Morning, for writers holds so much promise. It’s more than that the blank slate of the day before you representing the potential of the page.  For me it’s also the energy of the promise.  There is something about being up … Continue reading

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Carve Out Writing Time & Guard it Like a Zealot… Until It’s Time to Make Chicken Soup

The title pretty much sums up my week. I worked for days, banking time to free up this last Thursday and Friday for working on the book. “Only two chapters to go. How hard could it be?”  I won’t tell … Continue reading

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Photo Essay: Animals Abroad

This cat on Mykonos, like so many animals I see when I travel abroad, fascinated me. I was given to think about Isabel Allende’s writings about the ubiquitous Central American dog — that medium sized, short haired, multi-colored dog you … Continue reading

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Not Writing and Healing: the mid-age knee saga

The first knee-twist-lock-F-bomb scenerio August leaving the English Department with the Director of Humanities—my new boss, we chatted and laughed as I pushed against a massive oak door leading outside. Mid push my left knee snapped, folded and locked. Falling … Continue reading

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Photo Essay Backroads Arizona: Yarnell, Peeple’s Valley, Skull Valley

I’ve driven the Yarnell Hill and passed through this area many times thanks to my dad who knew of its scenic beauty. Today we think of the nineteen lives of Prescott’s beloved Hotshots who gave their lives trying to control … Continue reading

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